Troubleshooting a Failed Post

A quick guide on what to do when a post fails to publish to your social network

Updated over a week ago

When a post fails, an email will be sent to notify you with the details of the post. There are a few different reasons that a post might fail to publish to your social network from Denim Social. In this article, we will touch on a few quick troubleshooting solutions and how to "retry" the post.

We recommend troubleshooting and retrying a failed post before creating a duplicate and deleting the original failed post.

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Finding your failed post in Denim Social

In Denim Social, click on the "Publishing" tab on the left hand menu and then click "Posts." Here you will see the list view of all your posts in Denim Social. If you know the post ID number for your failed post, you can type it in the search box. You can also click on the "Failed" header tab to view any failed posts, with the most recent listed first.

Once you've found the failed post, click on the eye icon under the action buttons on the right of that post to view the details of this post.

On the post details page, you can see the post ID number, who created the post and when, the approval information and the post status details. The post status section will help us troubleshoot this failed post.

Troubleshooting a failed post

Often, the first step to troubleshoot a failed post is to refresh the social network account where the post failed to publish. Check out our help center article for details on how to refresh your social network account.

Common error codes

You can view the error message that was sent back from the social network in the Post Status section. Simply hover over the question mark next to "Failed" and the social network account to learn more.

These error messages can be in a technical format, however here are some common error messages and their solutions.

Error: map[error:map[code:%!s(float64=190) error_subcode:%!s(float64=460) fbtrace_id:A2dRlm4psmYx4AfzBTP8qmx message:Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons. type:OAuthException]]


Error: ('Unable to upload video to IG.', {'error': {'message': 'Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons.', 'type': 'OAuthException', 'code': 190, 'error_subcode': 460, 'fbtrace_id': 'AfME14Lwt94UO6X7SAzTjn6'}})
These error messages indicates that a change has occurred with the Facebook account associated with the business page or Instagram. To troubleshoot this error message, that Facebook account needs to be refreshed.

Error: ('Unable to upload media to IG.', {'id': '17945878649460081', 'status': 'Error: Media upload has failed with error code 2207001', 'status_code': 'ERROR'})

This error message is specific to Instagram. Often, the post can be retried and it will publish successfully.

Error: ('Unable to upload video to IG.', {'error': {'message': '(#10) The user is not an Instagram Business', 'type': 'OAuthException', 'code': 10, 'fbtrace_id': 'AUScT8gk17MidW_LGxp_ppg'}})

This error message is specific to Instagram. Often this means that the Instagram is not a Professional - Business Instagram. Our Instagram help center article details how to fix this issue.

Error: Twitter API returned a 403 (Forbidden), To protect our users from spam and other malicious activity, this account is temporarily locked. Please log in to to unlock your account.

This message is specific to twitter. Recently there have been many changes with Twitter. If your post has an error message that mentions spam or a locked account, log in to your Twitter account and follow any prompts to unlock your account.

If your error message is not listed above or run into an issue troubleshooting, you can reach out to support to help troubleshoot further. Our in app Intercom messenger will connect you with a support member.

Retrying a failed post

Once you have refreshed the social network and/or troubleshooted the error message for the failed post, you can retry publishing the post. While on the post details page, click the circular arrow next to the social network account/page you would like to retry. After a few minutes, you can refresh this page to see if the post successfully published. If the post still shows as failed, reach out to support through our in app chat for additional help.

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