Advertising - User Details

Everything you need to know about gathering user information and how it works in the Advertising tool

Updated over a week ago

User information is used to create ads and landing pages, therefore, it is important to gather all of the details necessary when uploading user information. Please fill out this spreadsheet and send to your CSM

When filling out the spreadsheet, please take care to fill out each column with the correct format:

  • First Name -

    • Example: Jane

    • The User's first name shows up in their user profile in Denim & the Welcome Email

    • It will also show up on the user's Denim landing page footer, if applicable

  • Last Name -

    • Example: Doe

    • The User's last name shows up in their user profile in Denim & the Welcome Email

    • It will also show up on the user's Denim landing page footer, if applicable

  • Email Address -

    • Make sure the user has access to this email, it is where set up details & leads will be sent

    • The User's email shows up in their user profile in Denim

    • It will also show up on the user's Denim landing page footer, if applicable

  • Facebook Page URL -

  • Ad Destination URL -

    • The landing page to which traffic will be directed for each User. Edit this URL at any time, but be aware that when a campaign is launched click-thru traffic will direct to the URL associated with each User at the time the campaign is launched.

  • Ad Target Radius -

    • Example: 25

    • This tells the system that you want to advertise within that specified mileage around the Ad Target zip code (aka Geofence).

    • Typically, our customers choose between 20-50, depending on their location. Consider this "geofence" the geographical area where ads will be presented to consumers on behalf of each specific User.

    • Facebook doesn't allow you to choose lower

  • User Company Website URL -

    • The user's company website

    • Note, while the Ad Destination URL can change with every campaign, the User's company Website should remain the same and will be displayed on the user profile or in the Denim landing page footer (if applicable)

  • Mobile/Office Phone Numbers -

    • Example: 555-555-5555

    • This will show up on the user's profile in Denim in addition to the Denim landing page footer, if applicable

  • Address 1

    • Example: 2020 Denim Social Drive

    • This will show up on the user's profile in Denim in addition to the Denim landing page footer, if applicable

  • Address 2

    • Example: Suite 123

    • This will show up on the user's profile in Denim in addition to the Denim landing page footer, if applicable

    • Leave blank if not applicable

  • City

    • Example: Saint Louis

    • This will show up on the user's profile in Denim in addition to the Denim landing page footer, if applicable

  • State

    • Example: MO

    • This will show up on the user's profile in Denim in addition to the Denim landing page footer, if applicable

  • Zip

    • Example: 12345

    • This will show up on the user's profile in Denim in addition to the Denim landing page footer, if applicable

What is the User Profile?

The User profile is designed to inform other products within the Denim platform & is fully editable. It stores basic contact information, social media profile information, group associations, and geographical information, so make sure to keep User Profiles up to date.

Pay close attention to Ad Destination URL and Ad Target Zip Code. They are dynamic and may need to be updated each time a campaign is launched. Ads powered by the Denim platform on behalf of individual representatives will click through to the Ad Destination URL provided for each User, and will be presented to consumers who fit the targeting parameters within each User's geo settings.

Ad Target Zip Code - Example: 57483

  • Enter the zip code in which you would like to advertise. Please only enter one existing zip code.

  • The system will use this zip code center point to determine the area (radius) in which it will advertise.

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