Facebook Business Pages in Denim Social

A step by step guide on how to connect your Facebook business page to Denim Social.

Updated over a week ago

Please follow each step in this guide to ensure that your page connects to Denim Social properly:

Here are a few other guides that may be helpful:

1. Ensure the page you're trying to connect is a business page

A Facebook business page is essential for connecting with your current and future clients. For details on how to set up a Facebook business page and the importance of using a business page instead of your personal Facebook account, check out Meta's business pages overview.

2. Ensure your Facebook profile has 'Facebook Access' in the page permissions

Before connecting Facebook and to avoid issues connecting your Facebook account, please ensure you have the proper permission on the page. Follow the instructions in this video:

3. Connect Your Facebook Business Page to Denim Social

  1. Navigate to the Social Network Accounts page by clicking on the "Social Networks" tab on the left hand menu, then click "Accounts."

    1. FYI, if this is the first Social Network you are adding in Denim Social, the Social Network Accounts page will appear blank as pictured below.

  2. On the Social Network Accounts page, click the button "Add Social Account" at the top right hand corner. A drop down menu will appear, click "Facebook" to add your Facebook business page.

  3. You will be prompted to log in to the Facebook account that is an admin on the Facebook business page you want to connect.

    1. Your Facebook login information remains private to you. Denim Social uses a Facebook business integration with an encrypted access token system to publish posts and pull social selling metrics from your Facebook business page. By logging in, you are allowing the integration to be added so that Denim Social can connect to your Facebook business page.

  4. Next, you will be prompted to choose some permissions for the Denim Social business integration. Click continue when it says "Denim Social is requesting access to: Your name and profile picture and photos."

  5. The next prompt will modify who can see the posts published to your business page from Denim Social. We recommend selecting "Public" so that all your audience can view your content.

  6. The last prompt will allow you to select the business pages you would like to connect to Denim Social. Simply click "Choose what you allow". Select all permissions for the page you want to connect to Denim Social ONLY (i.e. unselect the boxes for any other pages you may own that you don't want to connect to Denim Social). This will prevent any unrelated business pages that you have from being added.

  7. Click "Continue" and you will be directed back to Denim Social.

  8. Once your Facebook account is connected, you can view the business pages that have been pulled in under that account.

Troubleshooting Facebook Business Page Connections

Here are some common issues experienced when adding a Facebook business page to Denim Social.

Inactive Facebook account status

When your Facebook account status is show as "Inactive," this could mean 2 different things.

  1. You are not a a full admin on the page. Please refer back to the video at the top of this article to confirm that you have the proper permissions on the page

  2. The page you're connecting isn't a business page.

Facebook has unpublished or restricted your business page

Facebook can elect to un-publish a business page if it does not follow their Community Standards. Usually this decision comes with notifications on your Facebook account. Please review Facebook's help center article for more details and how to appeal.

My business page was not pulled in when connecting or refreshing my Facebook account

To troubleshoot this issue, log in to Facebook and confirm that page is selected on you Denim Social business integration. Here's Facebook's help center article on how to navigate to your business integrations. On the Denim Social business integration, click "View and Edit" to modify the pages Denim Social has access to. Select every permission for the page you would like to add and save. Next, refresh the Facebook account in Denim Social to pull in the new business page.

Removing the Denim Social Business Integration Directly from Facebook

In some circumstances, you may need to remove the Denim Social access token directly from Facebook to refresh the connection. To do this, login to your personal Facebook account and select your profile icon in the upper right hand corner. You will see a menu appear. From that menu select Settings & Privacy, then select Settings.

From the Settings menu, select Business Integrations. This will display a list of all applications you have granted access to your Facebook account.

Find Denim Social on the list and select the Remove button.

Continue and select Remove from the pop up that appears.

You have now removed the Denim Social application. You can go back to your Denim Social account and navigate to the Social Networks page to add your Facebook pages back to the platform.

Managing the Business Pages Connected to Denim Social

You can view page details, edit access, share, and remove Facebook business pages in Denim Social. To begin, navigate to the Social Network Accounts page by clicking on "Social Networks" and then "Accounts" on the left hand menu. Next, click on the Facebook account that the business page is connected under.

Now you will see the Account Details page with the list of Facebook business pages currently connected. On the left hand side, you can view the name of the Facebook account and the Account owner, as well as how many pages are connected through this account. You can also see who the Facebook account has been shared with.

On the left hand side you can view each business page connected under this Facebook account. This list is organized by page name and includes a group of "Actions" at the far left. By clicking on the business name page or the eye Action icon, you can view the details of the page. You can share this page with other users using the share Action icon. The toggle Action icon can temporarily turn off Denim Social's access to publish or pull in data from that page. Finally, the trash can Action icon will remove this page connection from this Facebook account.

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