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Denim Social Publishing
Admin - Content Libraries + Curation
Admin-Adding Posts to the Content Library - Publishing
Admin-Adding Posts to the Content Library - Publishing

Add a Post to the content library

Updated over a week ago

To create a post in the content library, follow these steps:

  1. Click on The "Compose" button on the top right side of the screen.

  2. Toggle the "This is a Content Library Post" switch on the top left on. You will notice that a few of the fields change.

  1. Type your content into the content box including URLs. Denim Social will count your characters in the event you are planning to post to each social network.

  2. Click on the Emoji icon to add emoji's to your Post

  3. Shorten URL by enabling the "Shorten any URL" toggle.

  4. Add an image or video if needed.

  5. Assign Approval Groups

  6. Click "Save" to finish adding your post to the content library.

  7. Select the folder where you want to save your post and click Save.

Note: Depending on the Approval group, if the post needs approval the post is saved in the Posts - "Pending" Tab else under the Posts - "Approved" Tab

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