Editing, Filtering and viewing of posts

Quickly filter posts by status (posted, approval status, scheduled and failed) and by post attributes (post creator, post approver, tags)

Updated over a week ago

To view your post: navigate to the Publishing tab and then click Posts on the left-hand side of the screen in Denim Social.

Once on the Posts page, you will see all the posts that have been published, waiting for approval, scheduled, or failed. You can select each tab to view your posts by status. You can also filter your posts by date range, the account it was posted to, who posted it, who approved it, the approval group, and tags included in the post. A search bar is provided for keywords or to search with the post ID number.

For each post listed, the post ID, Social Networks, Status, Tags, and a preview of the message and image thumbnail are show. There are also action items listed for each post.

Click on the "Show Details" eye icon under the Actions column to view details of the post. On the left hand side of this page, you can find the details on who created the post and when, the approval group and who approved the post, the status of the post, and a detailed list of the social accounts the post is publishing to. On the right hand side, you can view a preview of the post, any tags in the post, and any notes included for this post.

If a post listed on this page is waiting to be published, you can also edit or delete this post with the action icons. Editing the post will take you to the compose screen. Deleting the post will remove the post from the platform.

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