Archive Posts Report

Using and downloading the Posts report

Updated over a week ago

The Posts Report provides a detailed list of all the activities of their social networks. This report can be filtered to select a specific social network to

display along with any images, posts, or links shared on that page or account. You can also filter to show posts, comments, and tags for that social network page or account.

To access this report, click the Compliance tab on the left hand menu in Denim Social, then click Archive Reports. Here you will see your report and the filters available. You can filter this report by the account or page, the date range, and the types of activity.

Once you have selected your filters, you can click the "Export to PDF" button to export your report. Larger files (over 20 items) are emailed to the user in PDF format within a few minutes.

The Post Report will appear as pictured below and includes the date and time the post was published, what page or account and social network it was published to, any likes or comments on the post, the text and media of the post, and the approval details.

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