Admin - How to Move Posts In the Content Library

Here you can find a step by step process on moving content to different libraries!

Updated over a week ago

When creating a library you may be asking yourself, can I move content from this library to another? The answer is yes! Below is a step by step process on how to do so.

Step 1: Start by going to "My Content" in the content library.

Step 2: Click into the library with the content that you are wanting to move. After doing so, click on the three vertical dots in the upper right hand corner of the posts.

  • Here you will see several options to choose from. You are going to select "view details."

Step 3: Next, this will take you into a separate page. You will then select "more actions."

  • Here you will see an option for "make a copy", you will want to select this option first before moving the post.

    • Note: It is optional to select "make a copy" by choosing not to copy, you are keeping the original post in its spot rather than living in multiple areas. With that, there is the option to make copies and have them live in multiple libraries if you wish.

    • Important Note: another important note when making a copy is when doing so when a post is still in "pending" mode or waiting to be approved, this copy will also be in that "pending" or waiting to be approved mode. This making of a copy when a post is still pending, will notify your approval team to approve this copy as well.

  • Once you have done this, you will see this exact same post appear as a duplicate in the same content library that you are currently working out of.


Step 4: Next, you will go back into the post that you copied and select "view details" and "more actions" again, but this time you will select "move to."

  • Here is where you will be able to select the library in which you want to move this post to. Select the library and click "move."

Step 5: Double check that your post was moved to the correct library.

Remember: Your original post will still live in the library from which you copied it from. This way if you want a specific post to live in multiple libraries, it will.

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