Editing Images in Denim Social

Customize and edit images within the Denim Social Platform!

Updated over a week ago

Table of Contents:

One of the most powerful tools within the Media Library is the ability to edit images within the Denim Social Platform. This will allow you to quickly crop and adjust an image to fit the Social Network of your choice, add captions, change colors, and much more!

Edit Image

In order to have the ability to edit an image, there are different permissions that must be enabled. The permissions are "Media: Edit", "Media: Enhance", and "Media: Personalize". Each of these permissions provide different editing functionality as described below. To get started, select the image you want to edit, and press the button "Edit Image".

You will now enter the image editor. There are five main categories of editing tools you have available to you.

  • Transform

  • Adjust

  • Filters

  • Text

  • Stickers

When you are happy with the result and wish to save the image you are editing, click the "Save" button in the upper right hand corner of the screen. When you save, the image you edited will be overwritten with the new version.

If you wish to cancel and discard the changes you have made, you can at any time click the "Cancel" button in the upper right hand corner of the screen.


To use the transform feature, the "Media: Edit" permission must be enabled. The transform tool will allow you to crop, flip, rotate and change the resolution of your image. If you wish to crop the image or change the image resolution, you can either choose to crop the image as you want by dragging the corners of the transparent frame, or by moving it around on the image.

If you are trying to adjust the image for a certain Social Network however, you will see several presets at the bottom of the screen to choose from. Click on the network of your choice, and choose which preset you would like to use. Once you click on a preset, the transparent frame will automatically adjust and lock to this setting.


To use the adjust feature, the "Media: Enhance" permission must be enabled. The adjust tool allows you to make a wide range of adjustments to an image. You can choose to adjust everything from an image's brightness, color saturation, contrast, sharpness, and more. If you wish to go back to the original image, click the button "reset adjustment".


To use filters the "Media: Enhance" permission must be enabled. Filters may be a tool many of us are familiar with from Social Networks like Instagram. To get started, select which category of filter you want to apply to the image, then select one of the options. You may also adjust how strong the filter is by adjusting the slider called "Filter Intensity". To remove a filter, click the button "Remove filter".


To use the text tool, you must have the permission "Media: Personalize" enabled. The Text tool will enable you to add your own custom text to an image. You can customize your font size, alignment, color, background color as well as line height. Once you add text, you can resize it and move it around to create the result you want.


To user stickers the permission "Media: Personalize" must be enabled. Stickers allow you to easily add additional images as "stickers" to your image.

For example, using Stickers, you can easily add a company logo to your image. To do this, select Stickers and select the button "Upload Sticker". Locate the image you want to add from your local computer. Once you have added the image, it will be located under the option "Custom". Once added to your image, you can resize it and move it around your image.

Please note, custom stickers do not save to your image editor and will be removed after saving the image you are editing. If you wish to use the same sticker again when editing another image, you must select the "Upload sticker" again.

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